You can purchase phone numbers to use for sending SMS/MMS messages to your customers. Local phone numbers are charged to your Cinch account. 

Note: Short Code and Toll Free phone numbers can be added to your account at a higher billed rate than local phone numbers. If you'd like to purchase a short code please email Short codes typically cost around $1,000/month.

Open Phone Numbers

In the Navigation Menu, locate the Assets section and click the Phone Numbers link.

Add Phone Number

Click the Add button.

Buy Phone Number

The window defaults to the Local section. You can search for a new phone number by State, Area Code, or Number. 

When you have found an available number to use, click the Buy button.

Confirm Phone Number

To confirm your purchase, accept and select the Terms of Use checkbox. The Buy button will become active. Click the Buy button again.

Release Phone Number

If you need to release a phone number, open the Phone Numbers menu. All phone numbers you have purchased display in the page. Locate the phone number you want to release and click the Options button. Then click the Release Phone Number link.

In the confirmation window, click the Release button.