The details section is fairly self explanatory, but we can go into further description. These five pages can be used to manage all parts of a customer’s experience with your product. Through Cinch, you can manage customers individually here if you are having a customer service need. For instance, we can dig into the details page and see some basic information. At the top left will be the customer’s name, which in the case of the image above is ‘A Ta’. The first and last name will remain printed at the top left of the small pullout screen no matter what section you are in.  

Phone, Email, Address, Organization and Job Title will be the first five listed data entries in the details page. Below that, well, you may customize the view! Certain things will stand out, and should be important to keep in mind. Gender will be listed, as will the user’s birthday. Rather standard to say that these are critical pieces of information. Now, we can also see SMS and Email opt-in statuses. These were mentioned earlier in this article, but should be remarked upon for what they do and how they operate.  

  • Subscribed means that the customer has already subscribed to your product. 
  • Pending is a status that captured all emails and messages that are within your data sets but are not yet customers or subscribed to a service. This also captures those that are waiting in spam folders or unresolved text messages. 
  • Suppressed emails are a status for those that opt out of the service, subscription or otherwise. It also captures emails that are blocked by filters or bad resolutions(email is not valid, or is in a domain that does not accept outside messages). 
  • Unknown is for all other states. Please inquire with our customer support team if you see a large number of these states for your customers. It might take some adjusting of Customer Journeys to make sure that things move correctly, or is a sign that something is wrong.  

The last standard entity of this is particularly important. The Customer Value Segment. It is a proprietary measurement using machine learning to assess the value of the customer relative to all other customers based upon their frequency of activity, average order value, total spend and more. It ranks everyone from top to bottom and then ranks them from 1 through 5. One being the best and five being the worst.  

The ‘Show Entity Data Fields’ button is a valuable tool for customizing the view you want for your customers. There are just some metrics that our application won’t automatically assume. Or some kind of data field that you use to track actions for your customers that we don’t match up to completely. Any of those custom data fields that you make as part of the Data Fields page can be listed here and used as an active ingredient of what makes your customers stand out. If you want to also have that custom measurement as one of the base fields in the front of the customer page, and you can sort by that custom field.  

Something else to note, at the very bottom of the details page. You can see Customer Matching, a section that will go over the details of the user, and the source of those details. How that customer was found, but not exactly when. We can go over that kind of detail in the Timeline section. At the very bottom of the details page are the two buttons to unsubscribe users manually from email or SMS/MMS messages.  

The Timeline section will go into detail for actions taken with or surrounding the customer. There will be a column for date and time, as well as what type of action was performed(SMS, MMS, emailsmailers). Two other columns remain for the Timeline section where it will go into the detail of what state the message is, and the name of the journey that pushed the task. The message state will either be sent, queued or undelivered. The result of that email will be able to be tracked in the related Journey, though the ability to track a single customer through a journey is not available at this time.  


The next section is for Actions. Actions sums up activities your company has taken towards the customer. Schedules are actions that have a scheduled response or activity. As more of our products become available, a company will be able to look into the schedule of offers the customer makes. The transactions are fairly self-explanatory. It will give you details on when and what they bought. Though you can map out customer satisfaction with tying scheduled marketing campaigns against transactions, there will be more options to be able to analyze that in the Analytics drawer. The last three sections break down the type of messages and offers you’ve sent the customer. It also lists if the customer received each, or the state of the offers being sent. Each customer can be tracked and viewed against missed or unsent messages.  

The Messaging Section is where this customer detail page becomes massively effective. You can have direct conversations with your customers, and send text messages directly through the Cinch app. If a user has detailed needs, and your customer success team wants to have a longer conversation? Cinch has an easy way in. A user can simply send any corrections or updates directly to the customer in a customer service need, or automate that process using our Journeys section. But for the sake of your customer’s delight in your product, we have created a way to directly interface with the customer.  

The messages you see will only include the messages that a subscribed user would receive from the company. If the user is not subscribed, you will not be seeing the standard unsubscribe message that the customer is sent. More importantly, you will not be able to send any messages from this view to an unsubscribed customer. Attempts to send a message to one of those customers won’t charge you for the message, and will give a soft reminder that the user is unsubscribed and cannot receive messages.  

The last section is just Transactions, which will be a more complete view than the transactions you saw in the Actions section. But the more transactions a customer makes, the easier it will be to track what kind of things they like and will pay for again. It will also include the time they made the transaction, to better assist you in finding when your targeted marketing will be most effective.