The last section of your company page is the Email Suppression settings area. This is meant to control the amount of emails that a customer can receive that bounce, before the destination email will be flagged as ‘suppressed’. An email address that has been flagged as such will be silenced for further emails, so your company isn’t billed for emails being sent to non deliverable locationsFailed email attempts are charged the same as successful, so this is in place to prevent companies from being overcharged for failed emails. You can set the suppression setting to any number, though the default setting is three tries before Cinch will stop sending emails to bad destinations.  

    The unopened messages threshold is by default set to ten messages. These messages will successfully be sent, but if they remain unread the email endpoint will be flagged as ‘suppressed’ if the owner does not check it enough. If you have a particularly active marketing campaign, you can cause some users to become suppressed within as many journeys. The unopened days threshold is by default set to a year, and all three of these options can be configured for as strict or loose your company wants to be in regards to each.  

If a customer with a suppressed email address is in a new transaction, this will clear the ‘suppressed’ status and restore the ability to deliver emails to a user. Also, if you want to send emails to users who have been suppressed, you may do so in Journeys (see How do I add a Customer Journey), by selecting the ‘Send Email’ Trigger and choosing the opt in status. It will create a drop down list, and by default Suppressed states are never selected. If you enable them, you will be able to send emails to suppressed destinations without changing their status.