Journeys are created by nodes, which are connecting points that define an intended direction. Node triggers interact with actions and conditions to create a customer’s journey.

When a customer is ejected from a journey, the customer has completed a session. However, customers can re-enter a journey or start another session generated by a trigger from a different journey.

Most nodes can be configured to create specific customer journeys. 

This document outlines supported conditions that can be added in a customer journey. Conditions can be used with triggers and actions.

The following conditions are supported in nodes:

*Node configuration is required—the node displays a warning icon until configuration is complete. 

Note: Nodes that are configured incorrectly or not configured at all display a warning icon within the journey page. 


Check Email Status

Node summary: A customer is directed to the next node connection based on the email status. 

Node Menus

This node includes one menu: Template.

When node preferences are applied, the selected template name displays in the node.


The node requires a selected template.

Only pre-created, published templates can be selected in the menu. Templates can be created and edited in the Assets section.

Node Connection

Once the node is configured, the condition can be connected to another node to build a path along the journey. Connections are made by hovering the mouse pointer over the node, clicking the gray arrow, and dragging the arrow to the intended node.

Connections can be made with multiple nodes.

If the arrow is not retained on the node and displays a gray path, the selected condition is not supported for the intended node.

The Check Email Status supports the following conditions:

  • Has opened—the email has been opened by the customer

  • Has not opened—the email has not been opened by the customer (includes customers who have not received the email)

  • Has clicked—included links have been clicked by the customer

  • Has not clicked—included links have not been clicked by the customer (includes customers who have not opened or received the email)

  • Has sent—the email has been sent to the customer

  • Has not sent—the email has not been sent to the customer

  • Bounced—the email address does not exist or the email server cannot deliver the email

When the arrow is retained, the gray path displays the selected condition.

When configured, this condition verifies that the customer meets the criteria within the node at the time the customer enters the node. This condition verifies all emails from that segment, not just the ones within the scope of that journey. 

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Has Transaction

Node summary: A customer is directed to the next node connection based on current journey entry time and completed transactions.

This condition verifies that the customer meets the criteria within the node at the time the customer enters the node.

Node Menus

This node includes no menu configurations.

Node Connection

The node can be aligned to another node by hovering the mouse pointer over the Has Transaction node, clicking the gray arrow, and dragging the arrow to the intended node. If the arrow is not retained on the node and displays a gray path, the selected condition is not supported for the intended node.

The Has Transaction node supports the following conditions:

  • Yes—the customer has completed a transaction

  • No—the customer has not completed a transaction

When the arrow is retained, the gray path displays the selected condition.

When configured, this condition verifies that the customer meets the criteria within the node at the time the customer enters the node.

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Repeat Customer

Node summary: A customer is directed to the next node connection based on the number of transactions within a selected location.

This condition verifies that the customer meets the criteria within the node at the time the customer enters the node.

Node Menus

This node includes two menus: Select Location(s) and Select Market(s).

When node preferences are applied, no summary data displays in the node.

Select Location(s)

The node requires a location, which specifies that only customers who have multiple transactions in the selected location will be placed in the journey. By default, all locations are set for the location. 

An individual location can also be selected in the date drop-down menu. Only pre-created locations can be selected in the menu. Locations are most commonly created through transaction data and can be edited in the Assets section. 

Customers with only one transaction at a specific location are considered to be a new customer in that location. Customers with no transactions at a specific location are not considered to be a customer in that location. 

Select Market(s)

A specific market can also be set for the node. A market is a grouping of stores, such as stores in the same city, state, or region. Only pre-created markets can be selected in the menu. Markets can be created as part of the onboarding process or at any time by submitting a support case.

Node Connection

Once the node is configured, the condition can be connected to another node to build a path along the journey. Connections are made by hovering the mouse pointer over the Repeat Customer node, clicking the gray arrow, and dragging the arrow to the intended node.

Connections can be made with multiple nodes.

If the arrow is not retained on the node and displays a gray path, the selected condition is not supported for the intended node.

The Repeat Customer node supports the following conditions:

  • New—the customer has one transaction at the selected location

  • Repeat—the customer has two or more transactions at the selected location

  • None—the customer has no transactions at the selected location

When the arrow is retained, the gray path displays the selected condition.

When configured, this condition verifies that the customer meets the criteria within the node at the time the customer enters the node.

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Distance from Location

Node summary: A customer is directed to the next node connection based on distance from one or all locations.

This condition verifies that the customer meets the criteria within the node at the time the customer enters the node.

Node Menus

This node includes three menus: Select Location(s), Select Market(s), and Distance (In Miles).

When node preferences are applied, the mileage number displays in the node.

Select Location(s)

The node requires a location, which specifies that only customers from the selected location will be considered as part of this node. By default, all locations are set for the location. 

An individual location can also be selected in the date drop-down menu. Only pre-created locations can be selected in the menu. Locations are most commonly created through transaction data and can be edited in the Assets section. 

Select Market(s)

A specific market can also be set for the node. A market is a grouping of stores, such as stores in the same city, state, or region. Only pre-created markets can be selected in the menu. Markets can be created as part of the onboarding process or at any time by submitting a support case.

Distance (In Miles)

The Distance field indicates the maximum number of miles required to meet the criteria. A customer is eligible for the journey if located at or less than the entered distance. Mileage is based on the shortest distance between the selected location and the customer’s location—it is not based on driving distance.

An alternative number can be entered directly in the number field. The box also includes up and down arrows that can adjust the number appropriately. The number field does not have a maximum limit.

Node Connection

Once the node is configured, the condition can be connected to another node to build a path along the journey. Connections are made by hovering the mouse pointer over the node, clicking the gray arrow, and dragging the arrow to the intended node.

Connections can be made with multiple nodes.

If the arrow is not retained on the node and displays a gray path, the selected condition is not supported for the intended node.

The Distance from Location node supports the following conditions:

  • Yes—the customer is within the maximum number of miles

  • No—the customer is not within the maximum number of miles

When the arrow is retained, the gray path displays the selected condition.

When configured, this condition verifies that the customer meets the criteria within the node at the time the customer enters the node.

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Check Data Field*

Node summary: A customer is directed to the next node connection or another journey based on custom data criteria.

This condition verifies that the customer meets the criteria within the node at the time the customer enters the node.

Node Menus

This node includes three menus: And/Or, Rule, and Group.

The default menu is the And/Or menu. At least one rule should be added to this menu. Multiple menus can be created within the same node. The left side of the interface window displays the level for each added rule and group. Rules are placed directly below each other, while groups are slightly indented to show a nested hierarchy. 

When node preferences are applied, the first four rule(s) displays in the node. Additional rules are indicated by an ellipsis.


The And/Or fields differentiate the next step in the journey for a customer as indicated by an And condition or an Or condition. 

Additional And/Or fields can be added at any time. Fields can be removed by clicking the Minus icon to the right of the And/Or field.


A rule creates an individual condition that can require up to three values. Additional rules can be added at any time and separated by And/Or conditions. Rules can be removed by hovering over the rule and clicking the Minus icon that displays to the right of the rule.

The first value includes the following options:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Phone number

  • Email

  • Birthday 

  • Gender

  • Address 1

  • Address 2

  • City

  • State

  • Zip code

  • Country

  • Entity Reference

  • Customer Type

  • Created When

  • Updated When

The second value indicates the condition. Depending on the selected first value, the second value may support some or all of the following options: 

  • Begins with

  • Does not begin with

  • Contains

  • Does not contain

  • Ends with

  • Does not end with

  • Is empty

  • Is not empty

  • Is null

  • Is not null

  • Equals

  • Does not equal

If applicable to the second value, a third value field displays as a text entry field. Text should be entered directly in the field indicating the desired condition.

Once a rule has been created, the left side of the interface window displays a gray path that aligns with additional rules or groups.


A group supports multiple rules and groups. Additional groups can be added at any time and separated by And/Or conditions. Groups can be removed by hovering over the group and clicking the Minus icon that displays to the right of the group.

Once a group has been created, the left side of the interface window displays a gray path that aligns with additional rules or groups.

Node Connection

Once the node is configured, the condition can be connected to another node to build a path along the journey. Connections are made by hovering the mouse pointer over the node, clicking the gray arrow, and dragging the arrow to the intended node.

Connections can be made with multiple nodes.

If the arrow is not retained on the node and displays a gray path, the selected condition is not supported for the intended node.

The Check Data Field node supports the following conditions:

  • Yes

  • No

When the arrow is retained, the gray path displays the selected condition.

When configured, this condition verifies that the customer meets the criteria within the node at the time the customer enters the node.

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Node summary: A customer is directed to the next node connection or another journey based on custom data criteria.

This condition verifies that the customer is in the selected segment.

Node Menu

This node includes one menu: Segment.

Click on the drop-down menu to select the segment you would like this node to check if the customer belongs to.

Node Connection

Once the node is configured, the condition can be connected to another node to build a path along the journey. Connections are made by hovering the mouse pointer over the node, clicking the gray arrow, and dragging the arrow to the intended node.

Connections can be made with multiple nodes.

If the arrow is not retained on the node and displays a gray path, the selected condition is not supported for the intended node.

The Check Data Field node supports the following conditions:

  • Yes

  • No

When the arrow is retained, the gray path displays the selected condition.

When configured, this condition verifies that the customer meets the criteria within the node at the time the customer enters the node.

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