Journeys are created by nodes, which are connecting points that define an intended direction. Node triggers interact with actions and conditions to create a customer’s journey.

When a customer is ejected from a journey, the customer has completed a session. However, customers can re-enter a journey or start another session generated by a trigger from a different journey.

Most nodes can be configured to create specific customer journeys. 

This document outlines supported actions that can be added in a customer journey. Conditions can be used with triggers and conditions.

The following actions are supported in nodes:

*Node configuration is required—the node displays a warning icon until configuration is complete. 

All other nodes include default settings that can be used to begin a journey without specific configuration.

Note: Nodes that are configured incorrectly or not configured at all display a warning icon within the journey page. 


Time Delay

Node summary: A customer cannot move to the next action or condition node until after a specified time delay.

Node Menus

This node includes two menus: Delay and Timezone.

When node preferences are applied, the selected time delay displays in the node.


The delay is the period of time between the last action and the next action. By default, the delay is set to 1 hour. 

An alternative number can be entered directly in the number field. The box also includes up and down arrows that can adjust the number appropriately. The number field does not have a maximum limit.

An alternate delay period can be selected in the drop-down menu. Options include minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, quarters, and year. 

The delay time applies to the exact period of time when the customer enters the node. For instance, if a customer entered the node at 10 am on the third day of the month with a delay period of one month, the customer would be released at 10 am on the third day of the following month.

Enable Time and Day Options

By default, the enable time and day options checkbox is not selected and the customer can leave the node after the set delay period.

However, specific time and date options can be set to specify a specific time period where the customer can leave the node. This use case ensures customers are not released from the node if aligned with an action that would produce an untimely result. 

The time fields indicate the start and end time where the node can activate an action. By default, the first set of fields are set to 8:00 am, and the second set of fields are set to 4:00 pm.

Alternative times can be selected in the drop-down menus. The hour field supports values between 1 and 12, and the minutes field supports 15-minute increments.

Select the following day(s) to apply the delay. By default, all weekdays are selected.  At least one day of the week must be selected for the node to create a time delay.


The timezone indicates the timezone that manages the start and end time. Currently all nodes are managed with the America/Denver timezone. 

Node Connection

Once the node is configured, the condition can be connected to another node to build a path along the journey. Connections are made by hovering the mouse pointer over the node, clicking the gray arrow, and dragging the arrow to the intended node.

Connections can be made with multiple nodes.

If the arrow is not retained on the node and displays a gray path, the selected condition is not supported for the intended node.

This node connection does not include configuration options.

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Send Mail*

Node summary: A customer is sent a postcard via direct mail using a pre-created template.

Node Menus

This node includes one menu: Template.

When node preferences are applied, the selected mail template name displays in the node.


The node requires a mail template to be sent to the customer.

Only pre-created, published templates can be selected in the menu. Templates can be created and edited in the Assets section.

By default, the option to include “or current resident” next to the recipient’s name is selected. This option ensures the postcard will be delivered to the address listed, even if the intended recipient has moved. If this option is removed from the mail configuration, and the recipient has moved, the postcard may either be forwarded to the recipient’s new address or it will not be delivered.

Node Connection

Once the node is configured, the condition can be connected to another node to build a path along the journey. Connections are made by hovering the mouse pointer over the node, clicking the gray arrow, and dragging the arrow to the intended node.

Connections can be made with multiple nodes.

If the arrow is not retained on the node and displays a gray path, the selected condition is not supported for the intended node.

The Send Mail node supports the following conditions:

  • Sent—the postcard has been sent to the customer

  • Not Sent—the postcard has not been sent to the customer

  • Bad Address—the address information is not correct, was entered incorrectly, or not enough address information was provided to send a postcard

  • Continue—the customer will advance to the next node regardless of the resulting action

When the arrow is retained, the gray path displays the selected condition.

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Send Email*

Node summary: A customer is sent an email using a pre-created template.

Node Menus

This node includes one menu: Template.

When node preferences are applied, the selected email template name displays in the node.


The node requires an email template to be sent to the customer.

Only pre-created, published templates can be selected in the menu. Templates can be created and edited in the Assets section.

Node Connection

Once the node is configured, the condition can be connected to another node to build a path along the journey. Connections are made by hovering the mouse pointer over the node, clicking the gray arrow, and dragging the arrow to the intended node.

Connections can be made with multiple nodes.

If the arrow is not retained on the node and displays a gray path, the selected condition is not supported for the intended node.

The Send Email node supports the following conditions:

  • Continue—the customer will advance to the next node regardless of the resulting action

  • Processed—the email has been processed for distribution to the customer

  • Delivered—the email has been delivered to the customer

  • Bounced—the email address does not exist or the email server cannot deliver the email

  • Opened—the email has been opened by the customer

  • Clicked—included email links have been clicked by the customer

  • Spam Report—the email has been identified as spam by the customer or the customer’s email provider

  • Unsubscribed—the email address has been unsubscribed from the mailing list

  • Group Unsubscribed—the email address belongs to a group that has been unsubscribed from the mailing list

  • Group Resubscribed—the email address belongs to a group that has resubscribed to the mailing list

When the arrow is retained, the gray path displays the selected condition.

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Send SMS*

Node summary: A customer is sent a text (SMS) message.

In order to send text messages please set up a phone number.

This can be done under Assets > Phone Numbers. See more details on Setting up a phone number for messaging.

Node Menus

This node includes three menus: From, Message, Insert Dynamic Data.

When node preferences are applied, the added message displays in the node. For long messages, the message is truncated in the node.


Select the phone number you would like this text message to be sent from. Select Automatic for a number to be randomly chosen and assigned to this specific message.


The node requires a message to send to the customer. Messages are not created from a template and must be entered manually. Messages are recommended to be concise. SMS messages have a character limit of 160 characters for the first message segment. If a message has more than 160 characters, it is split into separate segments to be sent and are billed as separate messages. These split message segments have a 153 character limit per message segment.

Emoji characters are allowed in the message. Messages with emoji allow only 70 characters per message segment.

* All messages include "Reply STOP to cancel" at the bottom. This is part of the character count for the message to be sent.

Messaging Opt-in

Customers can message a few different keywords to your companies text number to opt-in to receive text messages, even if they have unsubscribed in the past. Those opt-in keywords are: "START", "YES", "UNSTOP", "SUBSCRIBE".

Insert Dynamic Data

Select data fields to be added to the message. The actual data filled in to the message will vary based on the specific customer receiving the message.

Node Connection

Once the node is configured, the condition can be connected to another node to build a path along the journey. Connections are made by hovering the mouse pointer over the node, clicking the gray arrow, and dragging the arrow to the intended node.

Connections can be made with multiple nodes.

If the arrow is not retained on the node and displays a gray path, the selected condition is not supported for the intended node.

The Send SMS node supports the following conditions:

  • Continue—the customer will advance to the next node regardless of the resulting action
  • Delivered—the message has been delivered to the customer
  • Undelivered—the message has not been delivered to the customer
  • Failed—the message delivery failed and could not be sent

When the arrow is retained, the gray path displays the selected condition.

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Send MMS*

Node summary: A customer is sent a text (MMS) message.

In order to send text messages please set up a phone number.

This can be done under Assets > Phone Numbers. See more details on Setting up a phone number for messaging.

Node Menus

This node includes four menus: From, Media, Message, Insert Dynamic Data.

When node preferences are applied, the added message displays in the node. For long messages, the message is truncated in the node.


Select the phone number you would like this text message to be sent from. Select Automatic for a number to be randomly chosen and assigned to this specific message.


Click the "+" to add file(s) to be included in the message. Up to 10 files can be included in the message. There is a file size limit of 5MB. 

    Main Supported File Types

  • jpeg
  • png
  • gif

These image file types are supported, and will be formatted for delivery on destination devices.

    Other Supported File Type Size Limitations

Other file types can be sent by MMS. The accepted maximum file size differs from carrier to carrier:

CarrierLong code MMS attachment sizeShort code MMS attachment size
AT&T0.675 MB0.6 MB
Sprint1.4 MB1.4 MB
T-mobile1.4 MB1.4 MB
Verizon0.675 MB1.2 MB

All file types that can be sent are as follows: 



The node requires a message to send to the customer. Messages are not created from a template and must be entered manually. MMS messages have a maximum character limit of 1600, but messages are recommended to be concise.

* All messages include "Reply STOP to cancel" at the bottom.

Messaging Opt-in

Customers can message a few different keywords to your companies text number to opt-in to text messages, even if they have unsubscribed in the past. Those opt-in keywords are: "START", "YES", "UNSTOP", "SUBSCRIBE".

Insert Dynamic Data

Select data fields to be added to the message. The actual data filled in to the message will vary based on the specific customer receiving the message.

Node Connection

Once the node is configured, the condition can be connected to another node to build a path along the journey. Connections are made by hovering the mouse pointer over the node, clicking the gray arrow, and dragging the arrow to the intended node.

Connections can be made with multiple nodes.

If the arrow is not retained on the node and displays a gray path, the selected condition is not supported for the intended node.

The Send MMS node supports the following conditions:

  • Continue—the customer will advance to the next node regardless of the resulting action
  • Delivered—the message has been delivered to the customer
  • Undelivered—the message has not been delivered to the customer
  • Failed—the message delivery failed and could not be sent

When the arrow is retained, the gray path displays the selected condition.

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Send Notification*

Node summary: The recipient(s) is sent a notification as text (SMS) message or email message.

Node Menus

This node includes three menus: Send By, Send To, Message.

When node preferences are applied, the added message displays in the node. For long messages, the message is truncated in the node.

Send By

The node requires selecting SMS or Email as the means of sending this notification.

Send To

The node requires entering the 10-digit phone number(s) that will receive an SMS notification, or the email address(es) that will receive an Email notification. Multiple receipients can be entered by separating entries by a semi-colon ";" .


The node requires a message to send to the customer. Messages are not created from a template and must be entered manually. SMS messages do not have a maximum character limit, but messages are recommended to be concise.

Node Connection

Once the node is configured, the condition can be connected to another node to build a path along the journey. Connections are made by hovering the mouse pointer over the node, clicking the gray arrow, and dragging the arrow to the intended node.

Connections can be made with multiple nodes.

If the arrow is not retained on the node and displays a gray path, the selected condition is not supported for the intended node.

When the arrow is retained, the gray path displays the selected condition.

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Node summary: When a customer enters this node a POST HTTP request will be made to the specified URI.

Node Menus

This node includes two menus: URI, State, Post.

When node preferences are applied, the added URI displays in the node. For long URI's, the displayed URI is truncated in the node.


The node requires a URI. When a customer enters this node a POST HTTP request will be made to the specified URI. 


Optional additional data can be added here that will be included in the POST HTTP request message.

Post Payload

This is the content of the POST HTTP request. It will look like:

  "customer_id": "9fca77cf-dcc7-47d0-a1e3-c01f8223d36b",
  "customer_node_id": "ba8110b5-9be3-47de-94d3-bdb1eae78f9e",
  "node_id": "0f79342d-cfbb-48b5-b00f-5bc56391b02a",
  "state": "My State Value",

Node Connection

Once the node is configured, the condition can be connected to another node to build a path along the journey. Connections are made by hovering the mouse pointer over the node, clicking the gray arrow, and dragging the arrow to the intended node.

Connections can be made with multiple nodes.

If the arrow is not retained on the node and displays a gray path, the selected condition is not supported for the intended node.

The Webhook node supports the following conditions:

When the arrow is retained, the gray path displays the selected condition.

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A/B Testing

Node summary: A customer is directed to the next node connection based on a percentage distribution between Group A and Group B. 

Node Menus

This node includes one menu: Groups.

When node preferences are applied, the group percentages display in the node.


The node requires two groups with percentages assigned for distribution. By default, both groups are assigned 50% of the distribution. Alternative percentages can be entered directly in the number fields. Entries can be any percentage, but both percentage entries must total 100%.

Node Connection

Once the node is configured, the condition can be connected to another node to build a path along the journey. Connections are made by hovering the mouse pointer over the node, clicking the gray arrow, and dragging the arrow to the intended node.

Connections can be made with multiple nodes.

If the arrow is not retained on the node and displays a gray path, the selected condition is not supported for the intended node.

The A/B Testing node supports the following conditions:

  • Group A

  • Group B

When the arrow is retained, the gray path displays the selected condition.

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Add to Segment*

Node summary: A customer is added to a selected static segment.

Node Menus

This node includes one menu: Segment.

When node preferences are applied, the segment name displays in the node.


The node requires a customer segment, which places the customer in the specific segment. 

Only pre-created static segments can be selected in the menu. Static segments place customers within an initial segment and does not support any additional events. Segments can be created in the Assets section.

Note: Consider creating a segment nomenclature to help define which are dynamic vs static segments.

Node Connection

Once the node is configured, the condition can be connected to another node to build a path along the journey. Connections are made by hovering the mouse pointer over the node, clicking the gray arrow, and dragging the arrow to the intended node.

Connections can be made with multiple nodes.

If the arrow is not retained on the node and displays a gray path, the selected condition is not supported for the intended node.

This node connection does not include configuration options.

Watch a video about Segments

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Remove from Segment*

Node summary: A customer is removed from an existing static segment.

Node Menus

This node includes one menu: Segment.

When node preferences are applied, the segment name displays in the node.


The node requires a customer segment, which places the customer in the specific segment. 

Only pre-created static segments can be selected in the menu. Static segments place customers within an initial segment and does not support any additional events. Segments can be created in the Assets section.

Note: Consider creating a segment nomenclature to help define which are dynamic vs static segments.

Node Connection

Once the node is configured, the condition can be connected to another node to build a path along the journey. Connections are made by hovering the mouse pointer over the node, clicking the gray arrow, and dragging the arrow to the intended node.

Connections can be made with multiple nodes.

If the arrow is not retained on the node and displays a gray path, the selected condition is not supported for the intended node.

This node connection does not include configuration options.

Watch a video about Segments

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Add to Facebook Audience*

Node summary: The journey ad campaign is added to Facebook and distributed for a specified audience.

Node Menus

This node includes one menu: Audience.

When node preferences are applied, the audience name displays in the node.


The node requires an audience, which is the audience created in Facebook for the journey’s ad campaign.

Only previously configured audiences can be selected in the menu. Audiences can be created and edited in the Ad Center of your business Facebook page.

Node Connection

Once the node is configured, the condition can be connected to another node to build a path along the journey. Connections are made by hovering the mouse pointer over the node, clicking the gray arrow, and dragging the arrow to the intended node.

Connections can be made with multiple nodes.

If the arrow is not retained on the node and displays a gray path, the selected condition is not supported for the intended node.

This node connection does not include configuration options.

Watch a video about the Facebook Integration

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Remove from Facebook Audience*

Node summary: The journey ad campaign is removed from Facebook and discontinued as an ad for a specified audience.

Node Menus

This node includes one menu: Audience.

When node preferences are applied, the audience name displays in the node.


The node requires an audience, which is the audience created in Facebook for the journey’s ad campaign.

Only previously configured audiences can be selected in the menu. Audiences can be created and edited in the Ad Center of your business Facebook page.

Node Connection

Once the node is configured, the condition can be connected to another node to build a path along the journey. Connections are made by hovering the mouse pointer over the node, clicking the gray arrow, and dragging the arrow to the intended node.

Connections can be made with multiple nodes.

If the arrow is not retained on the node and displays a gray path, the selected condition is not supported for the intended node.

This node connection does not include configuration options.

Watch a video about the Facebook Integration

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Eject from Journey

Node summary: A customer is removed from the journey. 

When a customer is ejected from a journey, the customer has completed a session. However, customers can re-enter a journey or start another session generated by a trigger from a different journey.

Node Menus

This node includes no menu configurations.

Node Connection

This node does not include connection options.

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Send to CallTools*

Node summary: A customer that enters this node is added to the selected CallTools Phone list.

Node Menus

This node includes one menu: Phone List.

Phone List

The node requires that a Phone List from the CallTools Integration be selected.

Node Connection

Once the node is configured, the condition can be connected to another node to build a path along the journey. Connections are made by hovering the mouse pointer over the node, clicking the gray arrow, and dragging the arrow to the intended node.

Connections can be made with multiple nodes.

If the arrow is not retained on the node and displays a gray path, the selected condition is not supported for the intended node.

The Send to CallTools node supports the following condition:

  • Continue—the customer will advance to the next node regardless of the resulting action

When the arrow is retained, the gray path displays the selected condition.

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Contest Winners*

Node summary: When a customer enters this node they are added as an entrant in the Contest. When the Selected Date and Time occurs, the selected number of winners are randomly selected from the existing entrants.

Node Menus

This node includes four menus: Number of Winners, Allow Single Customer to Win Multiple Prizes Each Round?, Select Date, Select Time.

Number of Winners

You can enter the number of entrants you would like to win 1st Place, 2nd Place, and 3rd Place when the Contest ends. You must have at least one 1st Place winner.

Allow Single Customer to Win Multiple Prizes Each Round?

Check the box to allow entrants to win multiple prizes. Uncheck to limit entrants to only win a single prize.

Select Date

Choose the date that you would like the contest to end and select the winner(s).

Select Time

Choose the time that you would like the contest to end and select the winner(s).

Node Connection

Once the node is configured, the condition can be connected to another node to build a path along the journey. Connections are made by hovering the mouse pointer over the node, clicking the gray arrow, and dragging the arrow to the intended node.

Connections can be made with multiple nodes.

If the arrow is not retained on the node and displays a gray path, the selected condition is not supported for the intended node.

The Contest Winners node supports the following conditions:

  • 1st Place
  • 2nd Place
  • 3rd Place
  • Losers

When the arrow is retained, the gray path displays the selected condition.

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Recurring Contest Winners*

Node summary: When a customer enters this node they are added as an entrant in the Recurring Contest. When the contest Recurrence occurs, the selected number of winners are randomly selected from the existing entrants.

Node Menus

This node includes eightmenus: Number of Winners, Allow Single Customer to Win Multiple Prizes Each Round?, Start Date, End Date, Start Time, # of Occurrences, Timezone, Recurrence.

Number of Winners

You can enter the number of entrants you would like to win 1st Place, 2nd Place, and 3rd Place when the contest Recurrence occurrs. You must have at least one 1st Place winner.

Allow Single Customer to Win Multiple Prizes Each Round?

Check the box to allow entrants to win multiple prizes per Recurrence. Uncheck to limit entrants to only win a single prize.

Start Date

Choose the date that you would like the contest to select winner(s) the first time.

Select Time

Choose the time that you would like the contest to select winner(s) the first time.


Choose the timezone you would like to use for the contest.

End Date

Optionally check the box and choose when you want the Recurring Contest to end.

# of Occurrences

Optionally check the box and choose how many times you want the Recurring Contest to select winners.


Select the timing for when you would like the Recurring Contest to select winners.

Node Connection

Once the node is configured, the condition can be connected to another node to build a path along the journey. Connections are made by hovering the mouse pointer over the node, clicking the gray arrow, and dragging the arrow to the intended node.

Connections can be made with multiple nodes.

If the arrow is not retained on the node and displays a gray path, the selected condition is not supported for the intended node.

The Recurring Contest Winners node supports the following conditions:

  • 1st Place
  • 2nd Place
  • 3rd Place
  • Losers

When the arrow is retained, the gray path displays the selected condition.


The Winners of a Recurring Contest need to be sent from the Recurring Contest Winners node to a subsequent node to remove them from the contest and notify yourself of who won or the winners that they won. Below is an example of one way to move winners through the journey after winning the Recurring Contest:

**Entrants and Losers**

The Losers of a Recurring Contest occurrence are retained as Entrants in the Recurring Contest going forward, and will be eligible to win future occurrences of the contest unless they are sent out of the Recurring Contest Winners node to another node. Below is an example of one way to remove the Losers from the Recurring Contest at each occurrence:

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To Zapier

Node summary: A customer is sent to Zapier (Zapier Integration must be configured).

Node Menus

This node includes no menu configurations.

Node Connection

This node does not include connection options.

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